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Bath and Wells MAT

Safeguarding Team              

Designated Safeguarding Lead    (DSL)                        

Mrs Corinne Clarke - Head of School

Deputy Desginated Safeguaring Leads (DDSLs)               

Mrs Lisa Harvey- Executive Headteacher


Mrs Laura Rhodes - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Rebecca Edmonds - SENDCO

Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Elyse Wilson-Frier - Safeguarding Governor

 Our School community is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils. We require DBS checks to be carried out before adults are employed. Adult volunteers must be DBS checked and attend an annual training session in school. We have a Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (available for parents and carers on the school website). All staff, volunteer helpers, students and supply staff must ensure that they are aware of and follow our policy and procedures.

When we have concerns about a child’s welfare, we share information and work in partnership with other agencies.  We always ensure that our concerns about pupils are discussed with their parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that this is not in the child’s best interest.

The welfare of the CHILD is paramount

Staff and other adults in school 

  • are responsible for their own actions and behaviour and should avoid any conduct which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions
  • must work and be seen to work in an open and transparent way
  • must discuss and/or take advice promptly from the Safeguarding Leads over any incident, which may give rise to concern
  • must apply the same professional standards regardless of gender or sexuality
  • must know the name of the Safeguarding Leads for child protection, be familiar with school safeguarding/child protection/ online safety procedures and fulfil their responsibilities to protect children
  • must be aware that breaches of the law and other professional guidelines could result in criminal or disciplinary action being taken against them.
  • Records will be made of any incident and of decisions made/further actions agreed, in accordance with school policy for keeping and maintaining records.


NORTH SOMERSET SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD  Childrens Safeguarding Board (nsscp.co.uk)

If you are concerned about the behaviour of a person who works with children (through their role as an employee, volunteer, casual or agency staff member or self-employed worker) contact North Somerset’s LADO (Local Area Designated Officer) – 07795 092692 or LADO@n-somerset.gov.uk or alternatively the NSPCC Whistleblowing Helpline on 0800 028 0285.