School Opening Times
Times of our School Day
Gates open: 08:45
Registration: 08:55
Morning Break: 10:45 – 11:00
Year R,1 & 2 12:00-13:00
Years 3—6 12:15-13:15
End of day: 15:15
Arriving Late
If you arrive when the gates are shut, please go to the visitor gate and press the buzzer, your child will be admitted to enter via the office entrance to sign in and order a school meal if required.
There is a daily act of worship for the pupils and staff. Twice a week this may be a Base or Class Service.
Communication Procedure
If you have spoken with your child’s teacher but your concerns remain, please then request via phone or email to speak to one of the following.
- Owls (Reception/ EYFS) – Mrs Helen Callow
- Kites (Years 1 and 2) - Mrs Bonnie Thompson
- Eagles (Years 3-4) - Mrs Judy Pope
- Eagles (Years 5-6) - Mrs Rhodes
- For safeguarding and attendance- Mrs Corinne Clarke
- For behaviour – Mrs Rhodes
- SEND - Mrs Rebecca Edmonds
The matter may then be referred to the most appropriate member of SLT (Senior Leadership Team) main responsibilities as follows.:
- Ms Clare Greene -Executive Headteacher (strategic leadership of St John the Evangelist Church School and St Michael’s, Bath)
- Mrs Corinne Clarke – Head of School (day-to-day running of St John the Evangelist, School Designated Safeguarding Lead- DSL)
- Mrs Laura Rhodes - Deputy Head teacher (behaviour, curriculum and Deputy DSL)
- Mrs Rebecca Edmonds – SENcO (SEND and Deputy DSL)
The Trust and its schools aim to resolve complaints informally where possible and at the earliest stage. However, there may be occasions when complainants would like to raise their concerns formally. This policy outlines the procedure for handling such complaints. If you have not followed the above communication procedure, the clerk to Governors will refer you to this and pass the email back to the school.
Most staff teach or are directly responsible for children between 8:40am and 3:25pm. Some work longer hours and we also have several part time staff so please be patient and we will contact you as soon as is practicable.
Please make sure that your contact details and email address are up to date.
School Telephone number: 01275 873417
You can email to request a call back if the phones are busy.
If you wish to raise a complaint, please follow the link to our complaints policy below, which will explain how to proceed.
To contact the school office please call (01275 873417)
or email (
Any concerns regarding pupils or adult welfare should be raised following our Safeguarding procedures - please follow the link below for more information.
Raising a Safeguarding Concern